5 Ways To Put The Happy Back In “Happy Holidays”

December marks the start of the holiday season; spending time with family and friends, Christmas shopping, volunteering, fun winter activities, decorating your home to perfection and finding just the right bow to place on your presents under the tree. Fun, right? Yes . . . unless you’ve committed to three different ugly sweater parties and booked yourself into oblivion. While this time of year is typically a time to rejoice, many can begin to feel overwhelmed. Ensure tidings of joy with the below tips:

  1. Stretch away the stress. Stretching helps relieve muscles and relax your mind, which can improve your overall health. No time? Here’s a simple stretch you can do anywhere: Stand up straight with your feet together and hands clasped above your head (arms straight). Then bend to each side for several seconds breathing deeply. Doesn’t that feel better?
  2. Work off that wassail. Exercising is already known to be a great stress reliever since it causes the body to release endorphins. It also allows you to take a break from your busy schedule and clear your head.
  3. Do you wanna build a snowman? Okay, building a snowman might be a bit of a stretch, but getting out in the fresh air and sunshine will definitely help. Sunshine is a proven mood-booster. Plus, the Vitamind D from sunlight is essential for bone health.
  4. Put the “No” in Noel. Repeat after us, “It is okay to say no.” We often get caught up in trying to attend every event and not wanting to let anyone down. However, you’re not helping anyone if you’re spread to thin, overworked and over stressed. Prioritize your events/activities and focus on the items at the top of the list. You’ll be able to provide your full time and attention and actually enjoy yourself. We promise this won’t land you on the naughty list.
  5. Relax and remember what the holidays are all about. Don’t worry if Sandy’s gingerbread house is an exact replica of the White House complete with tiny Christmas lights. Don’t worry if you didn’t get that bonus to build your dream pool in the backyard (right, Clark Griswold?). Enjoy your family and friends. Savor those Christmas cookies. Take in all the sights and sounds of the season and just breathe.

As 2016 comes to an end, we want to thanpexels-photo-253208k all of our wonderful patients for allowing us to provide their orthopedic care. We hope everyone has a very happy holiday! If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, call us at 618-288-9460. Please visit www.c4ao.com for more information.

You Are What You Eat

Remember your mother telling you to eat your vegetables? Well, she was right. Leafy green vegetables such as lettuce, spinach and arugula are essential for healthy bones thanks to their high calcium content. Other high-calcium foods include milk (obviously), salmon, broccoli, cheese, breads, pastas and even tofu to name a few. If you are not getting sufficient amounts of calcium you are putting your self at risk of osteoporosis, a weakening of the bones.

The body also needs Vitamin D in order to absorb calcium. Eggs (make sure to include the yolk) are a great source. Yogurt, spinach, sardines and salmon provide both Vitamin D an


d calcium. If you have trouble meeting the required calcium intake (between 1,000 mg and 1,300 mg depending on age and sex), you might consider calcium supplements. Try to avoid soda as it can hinder the calcium absorption.

For more Vitamin D and calcium-rich foods and recipes check out our Pinterest Board, “You Are What You Eat,” here: https://www.pinterest.com/C4AO/you-are-what-you-eat/. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, call us at 618-288-9460. Please visit www.c4ao.com for more information.

Crossfit Craze Conundrum

For the past several years the Crossfit craze has been sweeping the nation. The thumping music, supportive, high-fiving atmosphere and the workouts that constantly test your limits and drive participants to set new personal records can be addicting. We recently had the honor of sponsoring the Festivus Games at J5 Crossfit in Collinsville, IL and we can tell you that it is a FUN atmosphere featuring incredible feats of strength. It’s great that people are so pumped to hit the gym, but there are also injuries associated with this strenuous exercise.

Exercise is important. Everyone knows that. But did you also know that it is equally important for bone health as it is muscle health? In fact, it can help ward off osteoporosis and assist in one’s balance and coordination. However, Crossfit’s repetitive motions when trying to reach those PR’s can lead to overuse injuries. Because the athletes are so focused on setting personal records they often times lack focus on their form which can lead to muscle swelling, knee, shoulder, hip, elbow and hand injuries.

Still, Crossfit can be a great form of exercise for athletic individuals.

cao-crossfitCrossfitters just need to make sure they always listen to their bodies and slow down or take breaks as needed. If you are just getting started back into an exercise routine, we recommend  working your way up to a Crossfit status. Start slow with walking, participating in fitness classes or working out with a trainer at a local gym until your body is ready for the more intense workout Crossfit offers.

If you have any questions or are experiencing any pain or discomfort, please call us at 618-288-9460. Visit www.c4ao.com for more information.

Cortisone Injections

Cortisone injections are an effective, conservative option to treat joint pain and other inflammatory issues. The shots, which are a combination of corticosteroid and a local anesthetic, allow patients to return to function and have a more active lifestyle.

Depending on thneedle-dark-72627e location of the injection, Dr. Grebing and Dr. Bicalho may use imaging technology. The procedure is quick, simple and performed in the office. Patients may experience a pinching sensation while the shot is being administered. Ice can be applied to the injection site if any pain or swelling occurs afterwards.

The cortisone shots are
most commonly used to treat joint pain, especially the knee and shoulder. However, patients with gout, bursitis, plantar fasciitis, tendinitis and various types of arthritis can also benefit. While results vary, the cortisone injection can provide relief for up to several months.

If you are experiencing pain, please call us at 618-288-9460 to see if cortisone injections could be a viable option. Visit www.c4ao.com for more information.

Six Tips for Our Lycra-Loving Cyclists

cycling-bicycle-riding-sport-38296You know you might be a serious cyclist if you prefer lycra and cleats to shorts and flip flops for your riding attire. With Staunton’s Tour de Donut last weekend and the Edwardsville Rotary Criterium just a few weeks away, the metro east is in the midst of cycling season.

While it’s rare for the bicycle-built-for-two weekend riders to experience pain and/or injury, the competitive cyclers are extremely susceptible. We thought we’d dole out some unsolicited but helpful advice for injury prevention. This advice is more for the serious cycler and less for the beach cruiser bicyclists.

  1. Basic Safety: Of course, there’s always the basic safety precautions: wear a helmet, make sure you have a headlight if riding at night, use proper hand signals when riding on streets, etc., all of which is common sense.
  2. Positioning: Make sure your seat is at the appropriate height that is comfortable for you. When positioned too low, it can cause knee pain; too high can cause back pain. It’s helpful to write down the measurements that fit you best and keep them on file.
  3. Warm-up: Stretch your legs, hips and back to loosen muscles and joints, and prevent injury.
  4. During the ride: A low cadence (pedaling rate) is much harder on your knees and hips. Ideally, try to keep it at or above 90 rpm.
  5. Take it sloooow: Doing too much too soon is hard on your body in general. It can cause ankle pain, such as Achilles tendonitis, knee pain (the patellofemoral joint in particular), and hip pain.
  6. Relax and enjoy the ride!

If you have questions or are experiencing any pain, please call our office at 618-288-9460 for an appointment. You can also visit us online at http://c4ao.com/.